Orrin Woodward LIFE Leadership Team

The LIFE business has changed the rules. By lowering the barriers to entry for hungry leaders (and potential leaders), LIFE has provided an opportunity for people to listen, learn, and lead at an affordable price. Where else can you receive 4 leadership CD’s and a book from best selling authors, bloggers, and leadership gurus for $50?

With nearly 1200 bonafide customers, along with thousands of satisfied members, LIFE is giving average people the opportunity to achieve un-average results. In fact, with little downside risk (the worst thing that can happen is you receive world-class training at a world-class price), and major upside rewards, LIFE is drawing thousands of former networkers back into the fold.

These former networkers loved the community building and pay for performance aspects of networking, but struggled with the $300 to $500 of product purchases needed monthly. LIFE offers a way to start making income without stretching…

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